Sunday, September 30, 2012


How does it feel when you’re going through something?  Do you have those feelings that you’re alone?  Like nobody understands?  Even the strongest, most spiritually mature person has been plagued with these feelings.   I’ve come to tell you that GOD is with you even in the fire.

I think of the story of the three Hebrew boys.  The king passed an edict declaring that everyone upon hearing the royal music must bow to the image he created.  Those that didn’t would be thrown alive into a burning furnace.

Well who would be the first ones recorded to be thrown into the fire but those three Hebrew boys Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego.

The funny thing about the story is that it doesn’t end there.  In fact this is where it begins.

   Angered by their open defiance, King Nebuchadnezzar orders the fire made seven times hotter and they are thrown in.  A few moments later the King realizes that not only are the three he sentenced to death are now unbound and walking around unharmed, but there is a fourth person in there with them.  And this one looks like the son of GOD.

After calling Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego out of the fire Nebuchadnezzar stands dumb in amazement.  They emerge unharmed by the flame.  Their hair is not singed nor could the smell of smoke be detected on them.

GOD was with them even in the fire.

Despite your circumstances or what you may feel, GOD has not left you.  It may look daunting and feel unbearable but I believe you will emerge unscathed.

The fire you’re going through can’t harm you because quite simply, you are not alone.  This is what makes you fireproof, unconquerable.  Just as Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, were promoted higher after going through the fire; GOD can use your moment of trials to manifest glory in your life.

I say get ready for a promotion.   Isn’t it long overdue?

Friday, September 28, 2012

Don’t Neglect Your Gift!

“Do not neglect the gift you have…”

These were the words spoken to the young man Timothy by the apostle Paul.  These same words I speak to you.

Each person has their own distinct gift to share with the world.  A particular genius if you will.  This genius is meant to be nurtured, cultivated and then shared in order to advance humanity.

You have genius.  Yes, you!  And if used properly it will impact peoples lives, making them better along with their environment.

This genius is wide ranging and apparent on many levels.  It runs the gamut from teaching, leadership, encouragement, giving, listening, artistry, organizing, writing, math, science, reading etc.  The list is far too numerous to name.  

Most of us have a tendency to only think of the more popular gifts when we here this word but GOD was much more well-rounded than that.  

See, entertainers need a teacher to help cultivate their talents.  Writers are needed in order for them to bring the words to life.  At various times a person that encourages will be there to breathe new life into them.  And regardless of how famous or financially wealthy, each of them has someone they can call on that simply listens!

Some of the greatest gifts are not always the most popular.  At least not in our own eyes and yet people who have achieved greatness wouldn’t be where they are today if not for the old lady with a gift of prayer or someone blessed with the gift of patience.  

Never doubt your gift.  GOD, the all wise and knowing, gave it to you for a reason.  To make me and this world a better place.

So nurture it, cultivate it and use it to change the world!

Love you!

I would love to hear your comments.

Sunday, September 23, 2012


                                                                   By Deirdre Mitchell

I have been asking myself this question since I watched an interview with Michael Jackson’s mother soon after his demise.  She stated how as a child Michael would always jump up in the middle of the night and say, “I’ve got it!” with such joy and glee.  And yes, I too would agree, “I’ve got it!”

I have the answer to the question, “From where do our creative juices flow?”

And the answer is, dun, dun, dun…


The creative power of GOD is downloaded into people of all walks of life.  It is inherent in every gender, and every ethnicity.  This power has and continues to manifest itself beyond our political, sexual and religious preferences.

Every person has the innate ability to create and this is a gift from GOD.

Hey, creativity used in the Arts and Sciences is a part of what makes us human!  A colorful scribble written by the sweetest toddler is as creative as a published text from the most astute and best-selling author.  The mixing of water and sand to make mud pies is as much science to children as the vaccine created by the bio-chemist.

We are all creative beings from the beginning of mankind.  History shows this to be evident in the lives of the two humans GOD first created, man and woman.  The man, Adam named the animals, and at least one of the two humans (probably Eve) made clothing for the both of them after the act of disobedience.  There you have it in the Bible, a scientist and a fashion designer!

According to the Book of Jeremiah GOD knew you before you were in your mother’s womb, and He gave you thoughts and plans of good.  Your name and life were a thought in the mind of GOD and you are living proof to thoughts and words becoming reality.  You are his words in action.

“In the beginning GOD created the heavens and the Earth…  And GOD said, Let there be light: and there was light.  And GOD saw the light, that it was good.”  Humans as babies are good, humans as scientists and artists are all good!

I believe if GOD, The Creator is able to speak his thoughts aloud and they come into existence then we are able to do the same, as long as there is an action to follow.  We should do greater works via the words spoken by GOD’S Son.  So what are you waiting for?  Accept your GOD given gift of creative power!  Go forth and create!

Just a little illustration of thoughts becoming words, and words becoming action

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


It is said by some that GOD no longer speaks to man.  They say that the written word has been given to us and in it holds all our answers.  I’ve also met believers who feel that GOD does not speak to them.  These people feel like they must be doing something wrong and begin to question their walk with GOD.

Well let me tell you that GOD’S voice has not grown silent in the world, especially in our day and age.  He speaks not only through the written word but in the heart, mind and spirit of man as well.  GOD uses various mediums to relay his messages to us.  Some people receive this word through dreams and visions.  I myself have been led by the Spirit to listen to certain songs, watch a particular T.V.  Show, or ask the advice of others; leaving me to know without a doubt that this was a word from GOD.

But it all evolved from being led by the Spirit.

Jesus said that when he went away he would send us another comforter, the Spirit of truth who will lead and guide us into all truth.  The Holy Spirit speaks what He hears and will tell us all things to come.  Our greatest hindrance in hearing from GOD is learning to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s voice.  This is how GOD continues to guide us.

The Spirit speaks to all, regardless of our level of maturity because it’s His duty to guide us into spiritual adulthood.  When you feel you don’t hear His voice one reason may be that He’s spoken to you already.

Close your eyes and think about some of those thoughts that have kept popping up in your mind.  The bible says that GOD speaks with a still small voice.  Those little thoughts that come into your mind at times, fade away only to return again and again are usually telltale signs.

Another is that the Spirit will never tell you to do something mean, spiteful or vindictive.  When the thought crosses your mind to apologize to someone you’ve wronged or say a kind word to the person who’s having a hard day I’ll venture to believe that’s the Spirit of GOD.  That thought that keeps entering your head to return to school or start a business, and the only opposing voice you hear is one of fear or failure.  I say that it is the Spirit of GOD.

The Holy Spirit will always be with you to give you guidance, encouragement and insight.  So listen to that still small voice within urging you to be patient, kinder and fearless in the pursuit of your dreams.  Jesus promised to never leave you nor forsake you.  This is a promise you can bank on.  

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


“I can do all things!  I’m more than a conqueror!”

These were the words I found myself saying all morning.  Out of pure habit they came out, spoken with force and authority. 

No one was telling me that I wasn’t capable of achieving my dreams.  Nor did I have naysayers whispering in my ears at the time.

No, I spoke these words because I believed in myself.

Words are energy.  They are spirit and give life.  The right words at the right time can inspire one to rise above their circumstances, cast off their burdens and live the life GOD destined for them.

There will be times in life when we won’t be able to look for others to encourage us.  We’ll have to do it ourselves.
So whenever you feel down or discouraged speak life to yourself and the situation.  And when you’re feeling good about yourself, your dreams and your purpose, get in the habit of declaring out loud to yourself:

“Nothing can stop me from living my dreams!”

“I am great!”
“I am intelligent!”
“I am beautiful!”
“I’ve risen from the ashes stronger than ever!”
“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!”