Tuesday, July 24, 2012



Love believes the best in people while not allowing the worst to turn it away.
Love has the uncanny ability to inspire when we just want to expire.
Love wraps the hurting with arms of solace & comfort.
But also gives strength to the weak, courage to the fearful.
Love sees others in need and extends a hand to meet that need.
Love builds up what life has torn down.
Love lets the forgotten know they are remembered,
And reminds the forgotten dreamer of the dreams lost through the years.
Love can produce a smile when all you want to do is cry, and be your voice when you have lost your own.
A comforter
A guide.
Love is the reason for our hope
The container for our dreams
The kiss of our Spirits.
Regardless of what your going through never forget to give it.

P.S. Because someone is always in need.

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