I am not ashamed to say that I've had those moments where I've asked GOD, “Hey, what am I doing wrong?”
Yes, I speak to Him like that. He’s my Dad and sometimes I have question and for these questions I need answers.
Jesus addressed this particular question for me one day in Matthew 6:25-34. It’s about our tendency to be anxious about the things that we need. Jesus tells us that if GOD the Father takes care of nature that He will also take care of us since we are much more important to Him. He then goes on to say that we are anxious about many things that we shouldn’t be, especially when we don't have the power to add an hour to our life.
After thoroughly analyzing and pointing out why we should not worry about the basic necessities of life Jesus gives us the answer to getting our prayers answered.
“Seek first the Kingdom of GOD and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”
What does this mean? It means doing those things that strengthen you spiritually and that help you grow and mature in the LORD. It means accepting when the Holy Spirit shows you your faults and working with him as he transforms your character to make you more like Christ.
“Seek first the kingdom of GOD and His righteousness…” Jesus is GOD’S righteousness and to be more like him is the goal.
GOD is more concerned with transforming our character than our situation, but as our character changes so does our situation. By simply focusing on strengthening our relationship with Him and allowing the Holy Spirit to teach us to walk in the fruits of the Spirit, GOD will begin to bring our dreams, goals and desires to pass right before our eyes.
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